Code of Conduct

  • The credibility, goodwill and repute earned over the years can be maintained through continued conviction in our corporate values of honesty, justice, integrity and respect for people. The Company strongly promotes trust, openness, teamwork and professionalism in its entire business activities.

  • The Company conducts its business in accordance with all applicable laws and Regulations.

  • RICL recognizes following obligations, which need to be discharged with best efforts, commitment and efficiency.

  • Safeguarding of shareholders’ interest and a suitable return on equity.

  • Service to customers / policyholders by providing products, which offer value in terms of price, quality, safety and honest and fair dealing with people and organization.

  • Respect human right, provide congenial working environment, offer competitive terms of employment, develop human resource and be an equal opportunity employer.

  • Seek mutually beneficial business relationship with policyholders, business development staff / officers, investment partners and Banks.

  • The Company believes that profit is essential for business survival. It is a measure of efficiency and the value that the customer place on services provided by the Company.

  • The Company requires honesty and fairness in all aspect of its business and in its relationships with all those with whom it does business. The direct or indirect offer, payment, soliciting and accepting of bribe in any form are undesirable.

  • The Company requires all its employees to essentially avoid conflict of interest between private financial activities and their professional role in the conduct of Company business.

  • The Company does not support any political party or contributes funds to group having political interests. The Company will however, promote its legitimate business interests through trade associations.

  • The Company, consistent with its priority, has the approach for protecting the health and safety of employees at the work-place.

  • All employees are duty-bound to make business decisions in the best interest of the Company and not based on their personal interest and are obliged to protect all the assets including software and use all such properties for the exclusive benefit of the Company only.

  • The Company is committed to observe laws of Pakistan and is fully aware of its social responsibility. It would assist the community in activities such as training programs, skills development and employment within the parameters of its commercial objectives.

  • The Company supports free market system. It seeks to compete fairly and ethically within the framework of applicable competition laws in the country. The Company will not stop others from competing freely with it.

  • In view of the critical importance of its business and impact on national economy, the Company provides all relevant information about its activities to legitimate interested parties, subject to any overriding constraints of confidentiality and cost. The members of RICL are forbidden to pass on inside information at any time or to any other person inside or outside the Company.